Saturday 1 October 2022

Handstitched fowers and landscapes inspired by Katrina Witten - Kathy Paton stitch club Oct 22nd 2022

What do I need?

Organza or other sheer fabric or ribbons out of your stash
[I will have some available so don’t buy especially]

Basic sewing kit

Embroidery threads

White/ cream cotton backing fabric, I will have some available.

Variety of small beads [optional]

I will have a variety of reference photos available from simple to complex from my own collection. While we are inspired by Katrina Witten please bring your own ideas and photos to work with.

What can I make?

A picture, using backing fabric as a base. This something that could be framed or made to fit an aperture card. 

Gift tags, I will have some small plain tags available, but bring in larger ones if you have them.

Hair slide/grip; I have these available.

You can work directly onto canvas if you have strong needles. Bring own canvas.

A small hoop makes a good picture frame. Bring own hoop.

This is the book by Katrina Witten, full of wonderful ideas

Here are some pieces created by Kathy