The Stitchclubs have been a separate entity since Sept 2019. We have an annual fee of £10 a year (Sept to July) for members and £5 for each Saturday stitch club attended (£7.50 for visitors). In the past we have offered a range of textile art opportunities through the year and we plan to carry on with this. We are open to suggestions for stitch club topics and offers of subjects for one or more people to act as tutors.
The stitch clubs will generally take place on the third Saturday in the month (not Dec or Aug). These run from 10 am - 3 pm. They will all be held at Thomas Garrett Rooms, Heighington LN4 1RJ.
This year's programme is listed below.
14th September 2024: Xmas bauble with Judith Snaith
19th October 2024: Folk felt embroidery with Kathy
16th November 2024: Textile cards with Jill Pearce
18th January 2025: Felt making with Robyn
15th February 2025: Goldwork with Jacqui Armitage
15th March 2025: TBC with Bron Williams
26th April 2025: TBC with Vanessa East
17th May 2025: TBC, but 1/2 session with Judith
and 1/2 session with Vanda to
plan for the following stitch club.
21st June 2025: TBC with Vanda Taylor-
19th July 2025: Sashiko with Kathy Paton