Wednesday 28 September 2022

Slow stitch meditation - Andrea 24th Sept 2022

Dear Lincoln Stitchers,

Here are a few words about slow stitch meditation.

Slow Stitch Meditation is a relaxing, yet very creative process.

It is a bit like colouring in or doodling in your sketchbook, but think of it more as doodling or colouring in with thread.

Stitch Meditation doesn't have a real purpose to achieve some outcomes nor the deadline.

We only use crayon rubbing of natural leaves or other materials as a loose guidance which we may choose to follow.

It's not necessary to use any guidance at all... just stitching, a slowmeditative process to help us rid ourselves of daily stress and other hindrances accumulated over our lifetime. Empty our minds for the time being, concentrating on our hands, fabric and needle & thread. It could be 5 minutes or 5 hours, it's your call.

We may use our final product to embellish something purposeful, if we choose to, but that's not the intention of the slow stitch meditation.

Slow stitch meditation evolves itself, it doesn't need to be perfect nor pretty. It serves only us, The Stitchers aka Stitching Beings, to bring our mind in peace.

I personally found that relaxing with Stitch Meditation over the 30 days in January is the best time to free my mind of all duties, expectations and pressures of Christmas time and New Year's festivities. It's also my time to detox from social media. I usually start on the 2nd of January and carry on throughout the month. It's a liberating process bringing a real quality of focus and concentration on my own being. I hope you will find this purposeless process equally beneficial.


With love, Andrea

@Lincoln 24/09/2022