Tuesday 1 March 2022

Chicken Scratch Embroidery Stitch Club with Judith Snaith 19th March 2022; we are back in Thomas Garrett Heritage Rooms


Chicken scratch embroidery is also known as Broiderie Suisse, Australian Cross Stitch and Depression Lace.

Materials needed for this project:-

Gingham fabric  - amount needed depends on what you want to make (see below).

Interfacing  - to back your design, to hold fabric firm while stitching.

Perle cotton or 6 stranded embroidery cotton thread (only using 3 strands) colour of thread depends on your fabric colour - whether you want it matching  but a darker shade than your fabric  or contrasting. Usually you will need a colour to match fabric and white. 

Sewing Equipment

  • Fabric scissors
  • Small scissors
  • Sewing and embroidery needles
  • Pins 
  • Sewing thread to match fabric to complete article.
  • Pencil  or pen to plan design


The project I thought you might like to do as an introduction is a “Scissor Saver”. 

If you want to make the scissor saver as illustrated you will need a piece of fabric at  least 13 squares by 13 square.

You will also need a piece of fabric the same size for the back.

A piece of iron on interfacing the same size.


I can supply all this, but you will need cord or ribbon to finish off the article as well as embroidery thread and sewing thread. 

{ Fabric for small articles - pale blue, royal blue, navy blue, red, pink, black, yellow and a small piece of green and purple }

I will bring some squared paper for you to plan your design. Here are some bigger projects.


If you have access to the internet you can find ideas on PINTEREST. Look for Chicken Scratch embroidery ideas - these will maybe give you design ideas. Here are two different effects.