Sunday 23 April 2017

Wednesday day of stitch with Lyn Rochester 5th April 2017

The day was open to all members to create heart cushions and items to sell in the Lincolnshire show.

We made stuff heart shaped cushions – to be donated to the hospital to give to women who have had a mastectomy; the idea is that they tuck it under their arm to stop their arm rasping the surgical cut. I only made one heart cushion, but it was very soft and nice. Others had made many more and a couple finished them off that day.

During the day I managed to make five pea pod brooches with fleece and felt to sell at the Lincolnshire show. Judith our secretary had produced huge numbers of pieces for sale.

We were given lunch to keep us going – a lovely vegetable soup (made by Lyn’s husband John) and a range of amazing cheeses.