Sunday 1 November 2020

Winter lockdown Nov 2020

 Sadly we are cancelling the stitch club on 7th November 2020. Judith is putting together instructions for the Christmas Decoration which will be on the blog soon.

I don’t think this will come as a surprise to anyone; not unexpected, but certainly unwanted news.  I’ve been thinking about developing a lockdown piece of my own; don’t know if it will happen, or how it will turn out, but if it does I will send photos for the blog. 

Love, condolences, and Christmas-is-coming, hopeful thoughts to all!  Anne

Hi All
I'm definitely not looking forward to yet another elastic length lockdown. My son, Arth, has suggested we could join up for a craft group using Zoom a webinar meeting. Any thought on this?
Advantages being the tutor-stitcher could demonstrate the new techniques/methods and we could show our progress in real time plus get advice and guidance. We could of course continue are discussions on putting the world to right and let's be honest right now it certainly needs sorting. Vanda

Thanks for the notification- we must bow to the inevitable, I suppose! I shall keep looking for the instructions on the blog, and have a go at home.
I’m still making Japanese patchworks, and am slowly working out how to turn it into a bag. I’ll send you a photo if I succeed!
Stay safe