Sunday 27 September 2020

Heart - shaped Christmas decoration with Judith Snaith - 24th October and 7th November

 While the October Japanese patchwork stitch club is booked for Saturday 17th we thought you might like to consider the next project, which Judith will be running before Christmas. She is happy to do two sessions, if there is the demand; so you need to let me know if you are interested. 

The decoration consists of 1 large shaped 3D heart and a smaller one. You can just do a single one.
The requirements for the decoration illustrated are as follows:-

Christmas cotton print fabric with a small design.
Large heart.   - 3 pieces each 12cms x 12cms
Smaller heart - 3 pieces each 8cms x 8 cms

Pelmet or heavy weight stiffener the same amount as for the hearts.

Chain effect beading to trim the shapes, it is just plastic not a metal [ I found this the cheapest at Boyes, quite expensive at Hobbycraft]
Large heart 50cms
Smaller heart 33cms

Narrow ribbon to match or contrast to fabric, to hang decoration approx. 30cms.

Fine cord or embroidery thread to match to put through centre of hearts to hold them together about 15cms to allow for threading beads, bells between shapes etc.

Beads enough to place above, middle and below for added decoration and to finish it off. You can vary the shapes and sizes but don’t have them too large.

Sewing  thread to match fabric.

Sewing needles, including one with a large enough eye you can thread cord or wool through your beads, scissors for cutting out fabric and thread, pins and tacking thread a contrast to your main fabric colour.