Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Kathy Paton's stitch club: Lutrador, Ink and Melting 18th March 2017

Kathy had supplies of lutrador and inks which we could use at a nominal cost. Bailgate members were supplemented by people from Reflections, Heighington glass club and IMPart, a social art group in Lincoln. The day was spent using acrylic ink on lutrador which was then shrivelled and reduced to holes in specific places with a craft heat gun. As you can see above some stunning images were created.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Erin Fleming Theatre Costume Design Friday February 24th 2017

We were given a glimpse of the life of a costume designer for the theatre. Each were expected to design a costume for Eliza as a flower seller from My Fair Lady. There were a choice of fabrics to use as swatches for the costume; we each had to draw Eliza – some created their design by cutting up pieces from magazines and gluing a collage. It made a fresh way of looking at things.