Monday, 30 September 2013

AGM followed by Quilts 27th Sept 2013

We are now returning to the Bailgate Methodist Church Hall for our Friday evening meetings. The new Committee includes Jacqui Armitage as chair, Anne Petch as treasurer, Anne Goodall as secretary and other committee members are Lyn Rochester, Shirley Fuller and Di McCatty.

Andrew McDonald brought a quilt which was probably made in the late 19th century and we all had ideas as to how it had been made. The Linus quilts were on show together with others.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Painting with Felt Workshop with Liz Emery

We have a number of places left on the painting with felt workshop being run by Liz Emery on Saturday 26th October 2013

Venue:  change of venue from North Hykeham to
Time:  10:00 - 16:00.

We will work on pieces roughly 18" square.

There is a charge of  £5 each for wool.  Liz will bring a wide selection of colours.
Liz will bring bubble wrap, soap flakes and 4 rolling pins (wooden broom handle 20 inch long)

Each person will need to bring
1.    3 large bath towels 
2.     A piece of net curtain about 20x20” or larger
3.     A plastic milk bottle with holes punched in the lid. ( Liz will bring some along)
4.     Scissors

5.     Plastic jug
6.     Plastic carrier bag

7.     Wooden rolling pin or bit of broom handle if you have one
It is very important that everyone has a selection of images to work from. 
This will enable you to challenge your skills and learn a wider range of techniques.

Flowers and landscapes work well but a choice would be good as some images work better than others.

Cost of the workshop is £25 for EG members and £30 for non-members.  Please bring a packed lunch with you.  Tea/Coffee/Biscuits will be available throughout the day.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Anne Goodall
If possible, please can you let her know by Thursday 26th September, so she can let Liz know how many kits will be required.
These are a couple of examples of the type of thing that can be done:

Please feel free to pass this information on.