Monday, 31 December 2012

The Art of Dress: 18th Century Frocks & Finery

The Collection is hosting an exhibition of18th Century clothes and other finery from 26th January to 24th March 2013.  The centre piece of the exhibition is a rare black mantua gown and petticoat, that has managed to survive almost 300 years.  Experts are perplexed on how it's managed to survive in such excellent condition, as dying silk black in those days was exceedingly destructive and the gown should have rotted to nothing years ago!  Please go visit the exhibition, entry is free.

Also, Sheila Landi of the Landi Company Ltd who did the preservation work on the gown and restored it to its original 1735 design will be giving a talk on the work carried out on 7th February starting at 2:30 pm.  Tickets are £6.00 and available from The Collection.  Tel: 01522 782040 for more information.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Merry Christmas 

Lincoln Stitchers

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Pauline Bloomfield's talk 30th November 2012

Pauline’s free-machine stitched textiles are very painterly with good compositions yet  loose and flowing. Her slides of her other work was a complement to the hands-on, tactileness of the exquisite textile pictures she passed around. Pauline also shared a selection of her sketchbooks, from each evolving 'phase'. Her family connection to the lush and colourful Jamaica gave her a background to understanding of the African mythology/folktales from her reading (and reading to us); these were often featured in her painted-with-thread pictures.  She explained that to sew afro-hair needed an acceptance of breaking sewing machine needles. Pauline currently delights in sharing her expertise as art practitioner in the mental health sphere.