Heat on Fabric – three projects
Use a heat gun to create bubbles; decorate with beads
Iron on disperse dyes with paper stencils
With a soldering iron make marks, holes and seal one fabric to another
Metal tray if you bring your own heat
gun or soldering iron
Scissors for fabric
Small scissors for cutting your own paper
Optional - I will have some to share
Kunin felt (also known as acrylic or
synthetic felt)
Synthetic lining
material in colours of your choice
Polyester organza
(sheer) in colours of your choice
will provide
Dry papers spread with
disperse dyes (also known as transfer dyes)
A range of paper stencils
Polyester cotton
Iron and old towel
Small metal pastry cutters
Synthetic lining material in limited
Some Kunin felt
Tyvek already coloured
Lutradur already coloured
Some polyester organza/sheers
Metal cutters
Oven gloves
Baking parchment
Iron and towel
Soldering iron and holder
Heat gun and stand
Beads – seed beads and larger ones
Beading needles
Nymo thread
Craft knife
Cutting board